Food Roulette Ideas

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  1. Food Roulette Ideas Games
  2. Food Roulette Ideas Party

I can hardly believe William is one year old! I really don’t know where the time went.

Food Roulette Ideas Games

In addition to cleaning for company, which is rather daunting with an energetic one-year-old boy following behind you pulling out everything that you just put away, the biggest concern is the First Birthday Cake. And when your birthday boy has FPIES and reacts to many of the essential cake ingredients, the First Birthday Cake becomes a source of stress. We couldn’t use regular boxed cake mix because it calls for butter and contains wheat. We couldn’t use gluten-free cake mix because they use rice flour. We certainly couldn’t buy a cake. And we were still in the middle of the egg trial so that was still an unknown.

Food Roulette Ideas

I scoured the interwebs and the blogs of other FPIES families, searching for ideas for an alternative birthday cake. But all I found were recipes with varying combinations of safe foods, trigger foods, and we-haven’t-tried-them-yet foods. And while the recipes I found on other FPIES blogs were closer to what I needed, the fact that every FPIES kid reacts to different foods meant that even those recipes contained things we couldn’t use. Very frustrating and disheartening.


We entertained the idea of taking the best matches of the recipes and Frankensteining them together, but only for a little while. We were running out of time to experiment, and, quite frankly, I was very overwhelmed and tired.

Food roulette ideas gamesFood Roulette Ideas

So we decided to make something out of the foods we knew were already safe for him and make a non-traditional birthday cake. (I’m so sorry I didn’t take any pictures of the cake; I was so stressed by this time I hardly knew what I was doing.) We took a little 1-cup round Pyrex dish and lined it with sliced bananas and made a sweet potato-banana-applesauce filling. We let it chill in the fridge overnight, and popped it out onto a plate.

Oh, I wish I had a picture of William’s face when we set it in front of him! (btw, bananas are his absolute favorite food in the whole wide world). When he saw his cake made of bananas his eyes widened like saucers, and he dug in. He had just finished a fairly big lunch, but there’s no way he can say no to bananas! About half-way through the cake, he started slowing down and slumped in his high chair. Finally, he slowly picked up a banana, started to bring it to his mouth but instead his arm slowly swung over the edge of the tray and he dropped the banana on the floor. He had achieved Food Coma. The non-cake birthday cake was a success.

On to the presents! William hasn’t quite gotten into the destruction of gift wrap, but he had fun pulling pieces off while I turned the present. That lasted for about three presents, then Luke and I opened the rest. He got lots of fun things, the most fun, of course, were the boxes. Here are some pictures from present time. Enjoy!

Food Roulette Ideas Party

Club Game Of The Week: Baby Food Roulette Depending your club size you could have everyone create circles of 8-10 people and pass a spoon around as music plays. When the music stops, whoever is left holding the spoon must eat a spoonful of baby food. Oct 23, 2019 - Explore Lisa Bing's board 'Roulette cake' on Pinterest. See more ideas about cake, casino cakes, roulette. Well there can’t be a raclette without some oozing, melted cheese. Place slices of Swiss cheese, emmental or gruyere under the Severin Raclette grill until it’s bubbling and delicious. Tip out over boiled potatoes, crusty loaves or crackers and you’ll be in melted cheese heaven. These baked Turkey Enchilada Stuffed Poblanos Rellenos are stuffed with a flavorful ground turkey filling, topped with my homemade enchilada sauce and cheese. These are so much lighter than restaurant chile rellenos which are typically battered in egg and deep fried.