Fable 2 Gambling Debt

by admin

The average debt generated by a man addicted to gambling is between $55,000 and $90,000. Women gamblers average $15,000 of debt. In extreme cases, problem gambling can result in serious legal problems or financial ruin. I'm up 300k, no debt, with only having tried using the glitch briefly. Oh, and by the way, I got all 15 unique items as well. Edit: I don't understand how you people can get into debt at all, to be frank - Maybe you're just not used to gambling, or finding your own rhytm/system. I've seen everyone complain that they easily get into debt.


Space Head
FableFable 2 gambling debt consolidation
Jan 14, 2008
Reaction score

Fable 2 Gambling Debt Statute Of Limitations

Keystone: GUaranteed profit
Hey all, First off I would like you all to post your pub games techniques, because I kinda suck. Secondly, I have a little Money making technique. If your playing keystone in normal play, place a bet on all the outside stones, and every round place a bet on 4-9, keystone and 12-17. You will slowly make a profit no matter what! But, if you knock out 10 and eleven before you earn anything then you lose quite a bit. Also In the tournament, if you bet large on 10 and eleven and bet 4-9, keystone and 12-17 every round and whatever other numbers you wish you will make a larger profit. I personally do the 10, 11, 7 and 16 twice, I win every game in the tournies, but somehow I come out third. I dont get it.