Bella Casino St Joseph Mn

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  1. Bella Casino St Joseph Mn Menu
  2. Bella Casino St Joseph Mn Obituaries
  3. Bella Casino St Joseph Mn Restaurants

Your party bus is here! We welcome you and your friends aboard The Party Bus- Your central Minnesota group ride- we serve St.Cloud and surrounding areas with the most fun you can have legally! That’s right, don’t drink and drive, gather your friends on one of our fantastic party buses and travel to and from your bachelor/bachelorette party, prom, birthday, sporting event, winery tour or casino adventure. A safe way to celebrate! Yes, you can drink on our buses, we are fully regulated and compliant with the Minnesota Department of Transportation- many party bus companies cannot allow alcohol, but we can!

Bella casino st joseph mn hotelsCasino

When it’s time to party, you can bring your group and rent one of our safe and stylish party buses, with a licensed and insured, professional driver – we pick you up and drop you off- you have all the fun!

Bella Casino St Joseph Mn Menu

You are our success– The Party Bus appreciates all of our new and repeat customers! We pride ourselves on customer service and are happy to provide you with the best event rides in Minnesota.

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Bella Casino St Joseph Mn Obituaries

Bella casino st joseph mn menu

Come visit us in St, Joseph and Marshall, MN! Each restaurant will be running different daily specials but our exclusive menu of fresh, made to order Italian food is exactly the same. We will be happy to greet you with smiling faces, and we look forward to the opportunity to make your dining experience the best yet!

With our 2 unique styled buses, we help to make your event memorable. Each bus has different sizes and features, so that you can choose how to enjoy your travels, whether a large or small group- we make fun fantastic and affordable!


Bella Casino St Joseph Mn Restaurants

Victory is our 32-passenger bus that includes air conditioning and a restroom for your guests. Rates start at $150/hr.

Black Cherry

Black Cherry is a 40-passenger bus with a restroom- the color vibe is all about fun! Rates start at $150/hr.